• 29 октября 2014, среда
  • Москва, Малый Златоустинский пер.7, стр.1, актовый зал

IE Business School: Business financing

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3490 дней назад
29 октября 2014, начало в 16:30
Малый Златоустинский пер.7, стр.1, актовый зал

Professor Rafael Martins de Lima will tell you about basic structures of business financing


Dear friends! This time our event will be dedicated to the basics of business financing. 
You have an oppurtunity to listen to foreign expert with a large history of working in this sphere!

Professor Rafael Martins de Lima has 8-years experience of teaching at IE Business School and more than 20 at other institutions. Moreover, he worked for companies like Procter & Gamble,  McKinsey & Company, Banco Santander. Now he runs Hera W2R (Waste to Resource), company that works in Europe  and America in the fields of Renewable Energy and Carbon Finance.

During the master-class you will learn three basic structures of business financing:
1) Corporate Finance
2) Project Finance 
3) Asset Finance

Please put your attention that working language is English!





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